Class 5

Class Documents

Miss Caitlin Gilbert

Teacher of Class 5 

Miss Gilbert is class teacher of Class 5.

Miss Duke also works in our class on Tuesday afternoons.

In class 5, as your child moves into Upper Key Stage 2, we will be looking to develop pupils' independence, confidence and love of learning.

At Dartmouth Academy, the curriculum has been designed in response to what we already know about our pupils and prepares them for the next stage in their educational journey. Our curriculum is designed to build on what has previously been taught and learned to ensure that academic achievement, physical and mental wellbeing, growth of character and personal development are intrinsically linked for the purpose of equipping our pupils with firm foundations of the requisite knowledge, skill and strength of character needed to be successful in life.

In class 5, we are already getting prepared for the end of KS2 SATs by ensuring that pupils are equipped with all the knowledge and skills needed in reading, spelling, punctuation, grammar and maths.  We encourage parents who would like to support their children with preparing for this challenge to get in touch so we can signpost to additional resources that can be accessed at home.

We are committed to becoming even better writers in class 5, ensuring that we give pupils opportunities to write for a purpose and that we focus conferencing time on coaching pupils so they know what steps they need to take next.

We are proud of ourselves in class 5 and are always working hard to be our best selves.


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