Class 1
Miss Rosie McKay
Teacher of Class 1
Our class teacher is Ms McKay.
Mrs Tierney works in our classroom on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
Miss Shakespeare-Bright works in our classroom every day and leads Forest School.
At Dartmouth Academy, we aim to create a warm, happy purposeful learning environment where each child will be stimulated and can acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities. Our curriculum is carefully planned as a whole school to ensure continuity and progression for all. We enhance our curriculum through inviting visitors to school, undertaking educational visits and using the wonderful outdoor learning environment that we are lucky to have on our doorstep.
A high priority is given to support children to become independent learners. We like to challenge ourselves by persevering and never saying we can't do something. We are resilient and learning from our marvellous mistakes.
In our class, we are a team and have lots of fun learning, asking questions and solving problems. We enjoy working as a team and learn to share, take turns, help each other and always use kind words. We feel it is very important that the children feel happy and safe in the classroom. We discuss how we can all work together to understand what makes a 'good listener' and how we can look after ourselves, our classroom and each other.
We are proud to be our best selves in Class 1.