Class 2/3

Class Documents

Mrs Rosie Gardner

Teacher of Class 2/3

Our class teacher is Mrs Gardner.

Mrs Hutchings works in our class on Thursday afternoons.

At Dartmouth Academy, we have a mixed Year 2 and 3 class.

In Class 2/3, we grow into independent and mature learners. In a mixed-age class, there are many opportunities for learners to work independently, take charge of their learning and make choices about what to do next. 

Giving older learners the chance to support younger learners builds their confidence and leadership skills. The younger learners also benefit as they see their older peers modelling positive behaviour.

Mixed-age classes encourage a spirit of cooperation where learners are more likely to support each other than compete. Over time, learners become a ‘family of learners’ who support and care for each other.

Our curriculum is adapted to match the needs of pupils who are in both KS1 and KS2. It is carefully planned as a whole school to ensure continuity and progression for all. We enhance our curriculum through inviting visitors to school, undertaking educational visits and using the wonderful outdoor learning environment that we are lucky to have on our doorstep.  We are taught mainly in our class group but we also have some lessons in our year groups.

We are proud to be Class 2/3 and always strive to be our best selves.


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